クロスプラットフォームな統合監視システムです。SnortはもちろんのことNagiosプラグインBig Brotherクライアントもサポートしているとのこと

・Fully centralized Configuration. Minimal Client configuration required. 
・The ability to assign any check to any client or multiple clients. 
・Clients ability to fail over to multiple servers. 
・Support a wide range of checks built in : TCP/UDP port, SNMP OID's, 
  CPU, RAM, Logs, MD5 file check, Processes and External applications 
  (Ie plugins). 
・Built in RRD graphing support. The ability to graph almost anything that 
 a check returns (Ie SNMP, CPU, Logs, MD5, etc). 
・Fully support Netsaint/Nagios plugins. 
・Fully Support Big Brother Clients. 
・Optimized Snort NIDS Support. MIDAS does not rely on the built in DB 
 support of Snort. Instead it uses the raw output of the application, 
 stores packet information localy and only sends to the server the 
 specific packet information when an alert accurs. This greatly reduces 
  the overhead of using Snort.